We recognize our responsibility and are taking serious action to make a positive impact on our community and the environment
For almost two decades, the drumbeat calling attention to the urgency of adopting sustainable practices has grown with each passing year. We are experiencing increasing outreach from our customers for feedback on the sustainability initiatives we have in place, or have planned for the immediate future.
Our initial efforts at Handi Foods promoting sustainability were focused on energy conservation, hydro in particular, through projects on lighting retrofits and alternatives to the use of compressed air, a resource that consumes inordinately high energy in its generation. Sustainability, though, as a concept, is larger in scope as it interleaves with social responsibility in becoming a driver for growth and the improvement in quality of life. With business on a strong growth trend, it is time to set more ambitious goals as we embark upon developing a sustainability strategy for Handi Foods for the coming years.
To give voice to our commitment to the adoption of sustainable practices and the management of our business while assessing the risks and opportunities associated with climate change, we have published our first Sustainability Report for the fiscal year ending July 31, 2021. We welcome your interest and invite you to learn more about us in the Report available here.